*Please note we use the terms parent/parental to indicate any parent or guardian of a student
Students under the age of 13 require parental consent to use Ziplet, to comply with COPPA. As our Student Privacy Best Practice explains:
- There are two class types on Ziplet, GO! and Classic.
- Teachers can use either or both, however consent for students under 13 differs for each.
Creating a GO! Class allows students to answer your questions without creating accounts, or submitting their personal details.
- Student responses are associated with just a first name, entered by the student.
- By creating a GO! class, you give permission for your students to use Ziplet and for us to collect, use and disclose the personal information involved (if any) in accordance with the protections set out in our Privacy Policy.
- You can withdraw this permission (and a student’s use of Ziplet) at any time.
- If you have any doubt about your authority to give this permission, we have provided a parent/guardian form to help.
Creating a Classic Class will require your students to register to Ziplet to respond to your questions.
- To do this, we ask for the minimal amount of information required to operate the platform: student name and email address.
- We also ask if students are under 13, and we will directly request parent consent to use Ziplet if they indicate they are.
There are two methods for generating consent for registered students in a Classic class:
- Students sign up, and indicate they are under 13. They are prompted to enter a parent email address, and the parent will receive an email that explains Ziplet, with an online form to provide consent.
- Teachers can manually indicate that they have obtained parental consent by another method (e.g. a take-home form). When adding a student to your class, you will be prompted to confirm that students are either over 13, or that you have obtained consent.
How to manually provide consent for students in your class:
- In Classes, click the
menu (top right of the class card)
- Click Manage members from the dropdown menu
- Click the
three dots on the right of the student for whom you wish to provide consent (the user will be labelled as “consent pending”)
- Click Confirm parent consent
- The student user will now have immediate access to their Ziplet account and your class